Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Working With Teen's and Swimsuit

I advocate being a decent human being. There are to many creepers for models to have to deal with, we should be the good guys/gals and make modeling fun and safe for our models.

I have always advocated allowing escorts to shoots of any kind. With minors, it is important to be safe for our own sake and for the safety of the people we work with. I tell the minors that I work with that I require an escort and a parent signed model release. I describe the type of shoot on the release as well. I prefer that the escort is one of the models parents.

When you set up a shoot, make sure the model understands what she needs to bring, swimsuits, oil, towels, etc. Do you want heels, other beach wear? How do you want them to do their hair and make up? Are you providing a MUA or a hair stylist?

When it comes to poses with minors, keep the poses from being suggestive. Sure, a young, pretty girl in a bikini is going to look cute, pretty or even sexy. But you do not have to sexualize the models with the poses you choose or the body parts you focus on.

Stay away from crotch shots, or too much focus on the chest, etc. You can keep shots focused on the face, the over all person, full body, upper body, etc. You can also keep the shots innocent by having the models do something, give them a prop that distracts the viewer from thinking about the body.

Yesterday someone asked me about the "danger" of photographing minors. I do not see it that way and here is my response: 

With all due respect to your views, may I point out that models much younger than this young lady are found in fashion magazines, catalogs, department store signs etc. Modeling is work and takes effort.

Also, (this part may see inflammatory, I just say it to make a point, not to be a jerk) I don't go jonesing for my models so I guess I don't see them as sexual objects, so it doesn't bother me. I could shoot models in more suggestive poses, and I do with older models, but not teens.

I see this photo as a demonstration of her ability to strike a pose, show her form or possible clients, and to create a mood, in this case a bit of mystery. No body parts are highlighted or made the focus of the image.

Further, this models parents drove her to the shoot and were not far away and there were 4 people at the shoot.

If a person does not wish to shoot minors, that is their prerogative and I respect that. 

I see no trap. In fact, I am in the process of writing a short ebook on doing appropriate swimsuit photography for under 18 people. (these remarks refer to the top photo.)

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